Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I need to get my life together. I need to stop being so lazy and just riding the wave and be more proactive about certain things.

Item 1) School- I need to work harder at my school work to finish it on time. No more putting things off until 2am. I need to start earlier and work more diligently.
Item 2)Room- I need to keep up the cleanliness of my room and Chuck's cage as well. I just feel like when your room is clean, it sets the tone for a clean and clutter-free life.
Item 3) Body-I have gained unwanted pounds since school started up again, and that needs to stop. I need to get my butt in the gym and stop the junk food crave.
Item 4) Health- I currently have a sinus infection accompanied with strep throat. I feel as though I could have prevented this if I would have just taken my vitamins I bought and got some better sleep.
Item5) Sleep-I need to go to bed earlier and wake up earlier. This crazy sleep schedule is probably most of the reason I'm feeling so unhealthy.
Item 6) Car- I need to clean my car and keep it that way. I also need to get my oil changed and make sure I keep up with that. The poor baby has enough problems as it is.
Item 7) Job-Don't have one. NEED ONE.

I think that once I take the necessary steps to get these things in order, I will just have less stress and more enjoyable time to do other things.

There I have put this in writing, so that means I can't back out. Right? Hope so.

Back to studying now.

Good Evening,


Monday, February 16, 2009

They don't understand..

I don't see why it's so hard for guys to grasp the concept of how us ladies think sometimes. Let me tell you what I'm talking about exactly. Guys don't understand why it's such a big deal if they want to cancel a plan with you to go hang out with friends or something. Now even if this plan was nothing major and completely casual, a girl will most likely be sad and disappointed if this plan gets canceled for a reason she doesn't understand. You see, if she doesn't understand the reason then she will think it's because you don't want to hang out with her. That guy can tell her that's not the reason, but if he wanted to be hanging out with you...he would.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that guys can't cancel plans on a lady-friend if the appropriate situation calls for it, but don't do it just to hang out with other people. Because, most likely, this girl you canceled on, has tried to look cute for you. Maybe she did her hair and threw on some make-up just for this casual hang out. Maybe she put on a shirt she knew that you liked and sprayed it with perfume she knows you like as well. When a girl likes a guy, every "hang out" is important to them, even if it's not a date. I'm not saying it's life or death here, but they think about this stuff usually. We analyze to try and figure out how things are going and what we can do to make you like us even more or at least keep you interested. Right ladies?

A word of advice to you gentlemen out there: Don't text 15 minutes before you are supposed to hang out with a girl that you are "dating" or might date or just even like and you know she likes you back, even if it's to just watch a stupid TV show with her, and CANCEL with no good reason in mind. And actually, this really goes for all people. You don't just cancel a plan with someone on such short notice for no good reason. It just makes you look rude and inconsiderate. It makes it seem like that plan was now trumped by something else that was better that came along. And when you know what the person is choosing to do instead of that plan you had with them and it's just something normal and unexciting, then you'll feel like crap. Because it's like, "Really? That is why you canceled on me? To go eat food court food with your friend you've been hanging out with all day? Oh, okay. I guess that's better then hanging out with me."

Sorry for my dating rant. I'm done now, and I feel better. :)

Good Evening,
