Sunday, January 18, 2009

Winter Love

My favortite days of winter are the rarest days in the world. It's those days where we already have a nice blanket of snow on the ground, maybe 6" or even a foot, but the sun is shining as if it were July. Even though it is bright on these days, it's still cold, very cold...frigid. There are still clouds in the sky that are sprinkling the ground with those nickel-sized, perfect snowflakes. There is no harsh wind on a day like that, just the brisk air, white snow, and trickling flakes that are in no hurry to reach the earth's surface. Maybe it's because I'm a winter baby, but I live and I love for those days. Sometimes I think that is what love feels like to me. The perfect winter day. It's easy to find the perfect summer, spring, or fall day. But, a PERFECT winter day is not easy to come by. You never know when a day like that is going to happen. The weather man can't tell you, and you can't wake up knowing. You just have to walk outside and feel it. You have to look up and feel those flakes land slowly on your cheeks. When you do, then you'll know. Just like love.

Everyone, including myself, complains about winter. It's such a struggle. You get excited for the snow, for the sledding, for the snowball fights...but then, you realize it's cold, and then you hate the snow and the freezing rain, and everything else that comes with Indiana winters. You are ready for Spring before January even begins. I have been a ball of complaints about this cold weather for the last week or so, but I'm going to stop now. I'm going to start hoping for a perfect winter day. Maybe I won't get to see one this year. They are more likely to happen up north instead of down here where we don't get as much snow, but maybe I'll get something close while I'm here. Maybe I will see a Bloomington version of my perfect winter day. I'm going to keep filling my heart with joy and hope because that is the kind of person I want to be. Not that I want to be /Miss Annoyingly Happy All The Time/, but I want to go through life knowing love is out there, just like those perfect winter days. You can't go out there expecting it will happen today or find you tomorrow, but have faith that it will someday.

Good Day,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love you. :)