Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I don't have much time, but I haven't gotten a post up in a few days, so here's a try. I just finished my last final, phew. While that feels good, i'm still nervous about grades and my future in terms of my education, but hey, i can worry about that tomorrow, right? I only got about 10 hours of sleep total these last few days, and if you know me, you know that's not normal, good, or healthy. And although the testing is complete, I still have some make up work that is due by friday morning that I must finish tonight/tomorrow. So, break isn't quite here yet. BUT, right now I must leave so that I can go pack up my room, hop in the car, and start the drive the Ball State and wonderful friend, Brandon Schenk :). Maybe I'll rope him into helping me with some make-up work...??

My mom told me she was proud of me today...for coming back to school, for taking finals, for even studying whens he knew it was hard to focus, and that made me feel good and somewhat relieved about some disappointing grades. But mom, you don't even know the half of it..

Good Evening,


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