Saturday, December 13, 2008


Good Morning,

Today my mom is driving my back to Bloomington so that I may take my finals that start on Monday evening. I'm having a little anxiety about the whole thing. Mostly about being on my own really. I know I won't though, I'll have Lo and Kayla, but I don't want to inhibit their studying too much. I'm the most nervous about the drive home alone, maybe I can work something out to break that up. A pit stop at Ball State?? Hm...looks like I better get in touch with Mr. Brandon Schenk. I know I'm not going to do well on these finals, which is very disappointing to me, but really I just want to leave this semester behind and start fresh on the next one. This one was supposed to be my best one yet, but we'll get 'em next time.

Good Day.



The pit stop at Ball State is all set for Wednesday night. :-)

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